About Us

Dedicated to Clean, Mindful Living

Formed in memory of the founder's sister, Abi "Little Bo Beast" Stewart. Though she be but little, she is fierce.

We started with the idea of creating products with clean, simple ingredients.

We hope you enjoy all we have to offer, and share the experience with others.

Why do I make soap?

Honestly, it started out as a mere curiosity. “Oh, that looks fun, I bet I could do that. It would be fun to make some up and give them away as gifts.” 

Then I started USING what I was making. Not just for bathing, but also for regular hand washing. For years, I have been a die hard fan of those heavily fragranced, foaming hand soaps that are so popular, and I wanted to see if my handmade, more natural soaps would be a good replacement. After all, they were fun to make, and they look really cool. 

After just one week of using my handmade soap, my hands were soft. And I don’t just mean soft, I mean baby soft. To some of you, that might not seem like an accomplishment. To me, it was almost like being a new person. Ever since I was six years old, my hands have been not just dry, but exceedingly dry. Exceedingly dry, and covered in dozens of bleeding and painful cracks. I can’t even begin to tell you how many lotions I have tried to get my hands to just not crack, never mind be soft. And yet, thirty some odd years later, in ONE week’s time, my hands went from off the charts sore and bleeding to baby soft. Even now, months later, I still catch myself feeling my hands just to marvel at how soft they are. 

Mind you, I’m not saying my soap is magical or healing in my way. It’s just soap. But I think that’s the thing…it’s just soap. Take a look at how many chemicals are in your regular soaps, notice how well they clean grease off your hands. Guess what, all those chemicals are also stripping your skin of its natural oils, necessitating myriad lotions and body products to replace those oils. 

Why go through all that hassle, when you could just use real soap instead and let your skin do its thing?